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What is the possibility and convenience of precision parts processing in Shenzhen?

February 27, 2024

Shenzhen fine parts processing technology touches a wide range, here only from the possibility and convenience of processing two aspects to analyze. Mainly, the size data on the part processing drawing should be in line with the programming convenience criteria, the conditions of the geometric elements that constitute the part outline should be sufficient

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(1) the dimensional labeling method on the part drawing should comply with the characteristics of CNC machining in the fine parts processing diagram, should be the same benchmark cited dimensions or directly give the coordinate dimensions.


1. This labeling method is not only convenient for programming, but also convenient for the mutual harmony between dimensions, in adhering to the design benchmark, process benchmark, testing benchmark and programming origin set divergence brings great convenience.


2. Because the parts designers generally in the size of the labeling more thinking about the assembly and other characteristics of the use, and had to use part of the scattered labeling method, which will bring a lot of inconvenience to the process layout and CNC machining.


3. Because of the fine parts processing accuracy and repeated positioning accuracy are very high, will not produce a large accumulation of errors and ruin the use of characteristics, and therefore can be part of the scattered labeling method to the same benchmark cited size or directly give the coordinate size of the labeling method.

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(2) in manual programming to calculate the base point or node coordinates. In the automatic programming, fine parts processing to constitute the part profile of all geometric elements to stop the definition. Therefore, in the analysis of the part diagram, to analyze the geometric elements of the given conditions can be sufficient.


For example, arc and line, arc and arc tangent on the drawing, but based on the dimensions given on the drawing, in the calculation of the tangent conditions, into the intersection or away from the state. Due to the constitution of fine parts processing parts geometric elements of the conditions are not sufficient, so that the programming can not start. When encountering this condition, it should be handled in consultation with the part designer.