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What is the difference between a part and a component?

December 9, 2022

Nowadays, with the development of technology and innovation, our industry, many of the same things, they have the same status quo, even long are the same, even the name is similar, this kind of products, to our understanding, is to bring a lot of misunderstanding, precision parts processing is one of them, then parts and components of the two have what kind of difference?
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Parts, refers to the machinery can not be separated from the individual parts, is the basic components of the machine, but also the basic unit of the mechanical manufacturing process. Its manufacturing process generally does not require assembly processes. Such as bushings, shingles, nuts, crankshafts, blades, gears, cams, connecting rod body, connecting rod head, etc.


A component is a part of a machine and consists of a number of parts assembled together.
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In the mechanical assembly process, these parts are first assembled into components (component assembly) before they enter the general assembly. Some parts (called sub-parts) are also assembled into larger parts with other parts and components before entering the general assembly.