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All are "routine" methods of machine processing enterprise management

July 28, 2022

Although technology is the most important for machining manufacturers. Whether it is CNC machine tools, lathes, milling and other specific processing technology, or the quotation, quality evaluation and quality control after processing, we need to have a certain understanding. However, a common phenomenon in the machining industry is that many managers were technical before, and their technical literacy is very strong, but their management ability is relatively poor. In fact, the hook net tells you that the management of machining enterprises also has a certain "routine".
For the management of machining enterprises, whether machining industry or other industries, the management methods have certain similarities. The most basic is inseparable from standardization, workflow and formatting, and these three are what we call "routines".
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1、 Standardization of management
Standardization in the field of modern machinery is the pursuit of many first-class enterprises in management. The first automatic production line of Ford is the standardization of parts. In the field of global economy, standardization is not only the pursuit of an enterprise, but also the pursuit of the whole industry production chain. In the field of machining, standardization is embodied in the specific processes of process standardization, procedure standardization, operation standardization and working terminology standardization. At the same time, human factors are added to the standards to form their own unique core standardization competitiveness. In this way, no matter how modern management evolves, its core is still solid and reliable.

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2、 Process management
Standard is a point, so the process is a line, and the wisdom of management is to integrate all kinds of effective factors.
A very important point in modern management is to skillful the process, which can also be called "play". The process can be a wide range. As an enterprise's strategy, for example, an enterprise sells a business because of shortening the process, and its essence is to do a better job in a more professional market. The process scope can also be very small, that is, to adapt the production chain within the enterprise, outsource some processes to other companies for processing, develop strengths and avoid weaknesses, focus on their own advantages, and better become markets and customers.

3、 Managed formatting
Management people all know that efficiency comes from division of labor, and the organization should be organized into a grid, so that people can be reasonably and effectively placed in a grid suitable for themselves.
The formatted management concept does not bind a person in a "grid", but gives people rights and space when formulating a "grid", so that people can improve efficiency in a certain range.

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It is difficult for modern management to be used in the traditional machining industry, but the changes take place bit by bit. As long as we take the first step, the subsequent work will become very smooth. Therefore, as long as you learn the above three points and keep in mind the principle of "how to manage more scientifically and how to manage more humanized", your enterprise will be better.